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 FaithQuake Ministries is a non-denominational Christ centered online ministry,

dedicated to touching lives by equipping and creating a positive atmosphere for spiritual growth,

and be an encouragement in Christ to all.

FaithQuake is an offering of God’s love on this earth.

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Walking, Living, and Thriving in Christ: Embracing the Abundant Christian Life

Walking, Living, and Thriving in Christ: Embracing the Abundant Christian Life Introduction: Embracing Life in Christ Dear beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, allow me to share as we explore the profound and transformative journey of walking, living, and thriving...

But, You Don’t Know Me?

Dear brothers and sisters, How come is it that people will dislike you without ever meeting you or knowing who you are? What do we do when this happens? As followers of Christ, we are called to love our neighbors as ourselves, but what happens when our neighbors don't...


FACT - NOT FICTION! BIBLICALLY TRUE - NOT DOCTRINALLY FALSE! WE ARE NO LONGER SINNERS, those of us who have placed our faith in Christ. So many out in the Body continue to think that they are still sinners when the Bible doesn't support such teaching. That is someone...

When is a City NOT a City?

When is a city NOT a city? In the Book of Revelations, there is a section that it seems that everyone whose scholarship awards them to believe that New Jerusalem is a real city coming down from the eternal? The only problem is, these same folks only know English...

The Reality and Danger of islam!

DON'T GET WOKE, JUST WAKE UP TO THE REALITY OF IT! How many times have you heard it asserted that Christians, Jews, and muslims all worship the same God? How many have heard it said that the three religions are all spiritually and ethically founded on the same notion...

He Has Made From One Blood Every Nation

Paul's address at the Areopagus - aka Mars Hill. "Then Paul stood in the midst of the Areopagus and said, “Men of Athens, I perceive that in all things you are very religious; for as I was passing through and considering the objects of your worship, I even found an...

REVIVAL – Many Reasons Why God Initializes Them.

I'm prompted to publish many times a week, and it doesn't matter to me if anyone loves it, reads it, or reacts. It is my submission to Our Heavenly Father. Today, God has asked me to remind everyone who has ears to hear to listen to what the Spirit is saying. So, pay...

It All Belongs To God – Outside of All is NOTHING!

What can you hold back from Him that isn't all already His anyway? We need to discover what true surrender sincerely is! Our heart, our minds, our souls belong to God. Our loves, our lives, it all belongs to God, so what or why are we harboring it in, storing away...

So if there were such a thing as God, then why does God let bad things happen to good people?

So if there were such a thing as God, then why does God let bad things happen to good people? Hmmm... There was this preacher that went to go get their haircut at a local barber shop. The shop owner always had something bad to say about church, preaching, or God. All...

W O R S H I P – What ship are you on?

For those who are struggling to discover why you were created, I have the answer. The answer is discovered in one word... W O R S H I P !!! Worship is the central subject of all scripture and it is the central subject of our life. In fact, we were created to worship....


When God’s people—or people who claim to be God’s people—are hypocrites, then God is the one who gets the bad name. How often do we say one thing and do another? How often have we set a standard for others only to break it ourselves? The saying is true: we practice...

There’s coming a famine, but it isn’t what you think.

According to the Bible, there will be a famine in the final days, but it will not be for bread or water. Listen to the Scripture closely. Amos 8:11 “Behold, the days are coming,” declares the Lord God, “when I will send a famine on the land— not a famine of bread, nor...

The Almighty God and YOU!

Were you aware that we serve an Almighty God? “Have you never heard?   Have you never understood? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth. He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of...

Once Saved, Always Saved!


Why I am so excited about FaithQuake!

God is shaking everything up! IT IS ABOUT TIME!